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Summer Social Camp 2024

6-8 Years


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Captain "Not Me!"

Date: July 2 - 5 (Tuesday- Friday)

Time: 1:30pm - 4pm

Age: 6-8

Language: English

Group ratio: 1 to 5





Please contact us for further information


Not me! Not my fault! (or is it?)

This camp is perfect for kids who:

  • always say "But it's not my fault!"

  • always find faults of the problem instead of solving it

  • does not recognize and accept responsibility for their own choices

  • does not know how to learn from mistakes


In this camp, your kid will learn to accept responsibility for their own actions instead of blaming others. They will also learn to be a problem solver and learn from mistakes.



Feelings Ninja

The True Ninja doesn't make a splash at all!


This group is perfect for kids who:

  • are always angry!

  • have challenges identifying the cause of their anger

  • Have a hard time managing their emotions, especially anger

  • let anger out in an explosive and inappropriate way


In this camp, your kids will learn to recognize and manage their anger. They will also learn to channel it toward appropriate and non-destructive ways. 


Camp 1

Date: July 8 - 12 (Monday - Friday)

Time: 10am- 12pm

Age: 6-8

Group ratio: 1 to 5


Camp 2

Date: July 29 - Aug 2 (Monday - Friday)

Time: 1:30pm- 3:30pm

Age: 6-8

Group ratio: 1 to 5





Please contact us for further information



Social Detective

We can gear up our social detective lens!​


This group is perfect for kids who:

  • have challenges observing the situations and picking up social cues

  • might do unexpected behaviors at the wrong time and wrong place

  • would love to learn to respond appropriately to social situations that meet the social goals


In this camp, your kid will learn to be a social detective! They will learn to observe the situations around them, pick up the social cues, make sense of the clues in different social contexts and figure out the expected behaviors!

Date: July 15 - 19 (Monday- Friday)

Time: 1:30pm - 3:30pm

Age: 6-8

Language: English

Group ratio: 1 to 5





Please contact us for further information


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Worry Warriors

Date: July 22 - 26 (Monday- Friday)

Time: 10am - 12pm

Age: 6-8

Language: English

Group ratio: 1 to 5





Please contact us for further information


Don't Worry, Be Happy!​


This camp is perfect for kids who:

  • always worry too much 

  • always assume the worst case scenario

  • are afraid of making any new changes or decisions

  • get extremely anxious when things are not under their control


In this camp, your kids will learn to identify their worries and how our feelings and thoughts are tied together. They will also learn to alternate their thoughts when feeling anxious and embrace any adventures along the way!


TRUE Winner (Level 2)

Date: Aug 5 - 9 (Monday- Friday)

Time: 1:30pm - 3:30pm

Age: 6-8

Language: English

Group ratio: 1 to 5





Please contact us for further information


Winners don't whine and whiners don't win!​


This camp is perfect for kids who:

  • sometimes can be a “sore loser”

  • blames others and outside circumstances for their defeat

  • always look for excuses to explain their loss

  • would love to learn to accept and cope with defeat more adequately and gracefully


In this camp, your kid will learn that a true winner is not about winning the games, but showing sportsmanship throughout and after the games definitely makes you one. They will also learn to show respect to the game, their team and opponents no matter if they win or lose.



Bully Beans

BEANS -  Bullies Everywhere Are Now Stopped


This camp is perfect for kids who:

  • have difficulties in identifying between conflicts and bullying

  • are or know someone who is encountering bullying

  • does not know how to handle bullying


In this camp, your kid will learn the difference between conflicts and bullying. They will learn the power of their voice and effectively use it to stand up against bullying. They will also learn to be an upstander and support their friends when they are facing bullying. 

Date: Aug 12 - 16 (Monday- Friday)

Time: 10am - 12pm

Age: 6-8

Language: English

Group ratio: 1 to 5





Please contact us for further information


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